
America's Boating Club® members take our responsibility to the boating community.

vessel safety check

teaching children safety

patrol boat

wearing pfds

Giving Back

We inspire members to support their communities. From volunteering to teaching individuals and classes, to providing free Vessel Safety Checks, to crowd sourcing navigation updates, waterway cleanups and more, our members give back while spending time with family and fellow members. Sharing our skills and knowledge benefits the entire community as well as boaters.

Community Events

Our members understand the importance of giving back to their communities. This includes:

  • Promoting boating safety
  • Environmental conservatism
  • Helping flood victims
  • Supporting children and veteran’s programs
  • Assisting during water events


Our Partner Network

America’s Boating Club® is proud to partner with the following organizations to make our waterways safer and connect you with other recreational boating resources you might need.


Boating safety is at the heart of why America’s Boating Club® exists. In addition to our education classes, our members provide free Vessel Safety Checks, help keep the United States Coast Guard’s weekly publication “Local Notice to Mariners” up to date by reporting ATON Discrepancies, provide valuable local knowledge and port information through our Port Captains program, and work in partnership with local emergency organizations in rescue operations through our SERAT programs.